Dunjiin™ | Shop
Dunjiin™ is an amazingly fun adventure game where you get to explore deep dark places in search of magic, treasure, monsters, and experience! Easy to learn, fast to play, hard to master. Designed for 2-6 players ages 8 and up. No need to read complicated rules in teeny, tiny typefaces or to collect expensive hard to find cards. This stand-alone game will have you Dunjiin™ crawling in minutes.
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Purchase now at TheGameCrafter.com for $21.99

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An exciting battle adventure game for 2-6 Players ages 8 and up. Typical playtime is 15-45 minutes. Easy to learn, hard to master. You and your fellow adventurers will explore dark Dunjiins battling fierce monsters and collecting experience, treasure, and magic! Fun for the whole family.